Certification Course Requirements:

Certified Addiction Technician
- HS diploma/GED
Nine (9) addiction specialty courses:
- Addiction Counseling Skills
- Case Conceptualization and Documentation
- Principles of Addiction Treatment
- Ethical Practice in Addiction Treatment
- Culturally Informed Treatment
- Pharmacology I
- Trauma-Informed Care for Diverse Populations
- Motivational Interviewing
- Group Counseling Skills

Certified Addiction Specialist
- A Bachelor's degree or higher in a mental health field
- All classes from CAT
Eleven (11) specialty courses:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Co-occurring Disorders
- Advanced Treatment Models
- Treating Diverse Populations
- Infectious Diseases in Addiction Treatment
- Advanced Professional and Ethical Practice
- Clinical Supervision I
- Clinical Supervision II
- Advanced Motivational Interviewing
- Advanced Case Conceptualization
- Advanced Pharmacology

Licensed Addiction Counselor
- A Master's Degree or higher in the Mental Health Field
- Take and pass the MAC exam
- Take and pass the Jurisprudence exam (if not taken in the previous year)
- 2000 hours of clinically supervised addiction work experience hours
Seven (7) Specialty Courses:
- Principles of Addiction Treatment (21 hrs)
- Infectious Diseases in Addiction Treatment
(14 hrs) - Pharmacology I (14 hrs)
- Advanced Pharmacology (14 hrs)-Prerequisite: Pharmacology I
- Advanced Professional and Ethical Practice
(14hrs) - Clinical Supervision I (21 hrs)
- Clinical Supervision II (14 hrs)
-Prerequisite: Clinical Supervision I
There are educational equivalencies for some CAS courses, please see full DORA requirements here >
For further information
Please click the link below to see the full requirements of all certifications. Please keep in mind all requirements changed on April 1st, 2021, and again in 2023.